Record Number Of Americans Holds Negative Views Of US Economy

According to the CNBC All-America Economic Survey, a record 69% have negative opinions about the US economy now and in future.

Joe Biden's approval ratings fell 2 points, to 39%. His disapproval ratings rose by a point to 55%.

Only 24% of respondents said that now is a good time for investing in stocks. This is the lowest number in the 17-year survey's history.

Around 70% of the total Americans polled believe the US will become less important globally by 2050.

Since last summer, the rate of inflation has consistently dropped from 9.1 percent in June to 5 percent last month. 

67% report their household income is falling behind, 26% say it's keeping pace whereas, just 5% say their household income is growing faster than inflation.

Federal Reserve increased interest rates last month for the ninth time in a row, to a range of 4.75 to 5 percent.