The Future of Digital Marketing: Top Trends for 2023

Virtual Events are Gaining Popularity

After the pandemic, the event format was drastically changed. Before Covid, live events were the main way that marketers interacted with customers. But now everything can be done online. During the pandemic, agencies and businesses had to cancel live events.

Omnichannel Marketing

Each person uses digital media differently. Some consumers use it to find news and articles that are relevant to their interests. Others may use it to entertain or play games. All users have one thing in common. They use the same social networking platform. If you can get on their social media, you can convert them into customers.

Mobile First and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

77% of mobile searches are done at work or at home and 17% on the go. 55% of mobile search results result in conversions within one hour. Smartphones are heavier and more bulky than laptops in the past.

Rise in Voice Searches

China reported that 51% were voice-based searches. USA is second with 24% voice searches. Cabalys' 2019 report reveals that the global smart speaker industry grew to 24% in the first quarter. The latest market research shows that voice search will continue growing in the future.

Augmented Reality Experience

Augmented reality allows users insert digital objects in real-time videos. This technology can be used to create a unique experience for your users. You can also make this a marketing tool by adding your name. This is a great way to get customers talking about your brand.

Native Marketing

You have probably seen product placement in videos and movies. These are called native ads. These ads are more content-oriented than advertisements. Traditional ads are a source of irritation for many people. Digital Information World reports that 47% worldwide users have used ad blocking.

B2C Marketing is on the Rise

52% of companies have blogs. 40% send out email newsletters in order to generate leads. Email marketing is the most effective way to increase your ROI. Both buyers and sellers use the same platform, and both can make the same transactions.