Cybersecurity Risks For Remote Worker

Phishing Attack

Hackers use emails and fake websites to trick users into giving away sensitive information like passwords or credit card numbers. 

Social Engineering Attack

Social engineering is a type of cyberattack that uses psychological manipulation to persuade individuals into providing valuable information or access to systems.

Malware Infection

Malware, spyware, and ransomware can cause severe damage if employees are not vigilant when it comes to identifying malicious links sent via emails or social media.

Weak Password

Weak passwords are a significant security risk for remote workers because hackers can easily crack them. Even with multifactor authentication, weak passwords can leave companies open to attack.

Unsecured Wi-Fi Network

Remote workers should use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to encrypt their internet connection and prevent data theft on unsecured Wi-Fi networks.

Lack of Encryption

Remote workers should make sure that their devices and data are encrypted, both in transit and at rest, to prevent data theft.

Lack of Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication, also known as “2FA,” adds an extra layer of security to all online accounts by requiring users to provide two pieces of evidence before gaining access.