What Is Worldcoin, The Iris Scanning Cryptocurrency

Worldcoin, co-founded by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman aims to bring Universal Basic Income (UBI) to the masses.

Sam Altman actively seeks to raise $100 Million in Finance. Worldcoin is a project that began in 2019 and uses iris-scanning technology to create a global disruptive cryptocurrency.

Worldcoin utilizes a device known as orb, which employs iris scanning technology to authenticate individuals' uniqueness and humanity, subsequently granting them Worldcoin tokens as rewards.

Worldcoin is set to secure another $100 million after a private token sales last year raised the same amount, valuing the company at $3 billion.

This occurs when the crypto industry is currently under intense government scrutiny. Since the collapse of the FTX Exchange, there has also been a lot of selling pressure on the market.

It also has a World App which allows for payments, purchases and transfers using Worldcoin or other digital assets. Worldcoin is planning to launch during the first half 2023. 

Worldcoin reports that the platform now has over one million users and between 100 and 200 Orbs are active at any time. Anyone can become a part of the network by signing up the World App.