Rust Tops Popularity Charts: Future of Programming Languages

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Despite being 14th in usage, Rust is the most admired programming language, with over 80% of developers expressing a desire to use it again.

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Rust 1.0 was released in 2015 and has since seen a significant increase in popularity, particularly over the last five years.

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GitHub reports significant growth in AI projects, and Rust's performance and memory safety make it a preferred language for AI applications.

Rust does not use a garbage collector, resulting in faster execution. Discord's system rewrite in Rust led to a tenfold performance increase.

Rust is versatile, used in web development, network programming, system programming, game development, and data science.

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Major companies like Dropbox, Cloudflare, and Meta use Rust for various critical applications.

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Aspiring developers can learn Rust for free through the Rust Foundation, with a supportive community known as "rustaceans."