In the industrial sector, markets are increasingly saturated and there is competition everywhere. Every small and medium business struggles to stand out from its competition. Once you achieve this leading position, you can start generating new potential customers in order to make them loyal customers.
Download our free guide on Inbound Marketing, a marketing strategy that will allow you to achieve such purposes. Here are 4 tips to build a solid industrial marketing strategy that will help you differentiate yourself from your competitors:
1. Be Close to your Friends, and your “Enemies” Even More
We are really exaggerating with the word “enemies”, but the idea is understood, isn’t it? Monitor your competition: What are your strengths and weaknesses? How are that company and its services positioned? What promises do they make in their marketing? What does the sector think about them?
If you answer these questions, you can focus on your differences and strengths compared to those of your competitors.
Related: – 5 Simple Ways to Grow Your Small Business
2. Build a Strong Corporate Identity
Your company’s mission must be explained simply and specifically. Avoid the buzzwords of the industry, and don’t repeat what other companies have already said. Focus on what is unique and special for your business.
If you have difficulties in determining the identity of your business, visit the websites of companies you most admire and see how they position themselves.
3. Do not stop Innovating
One of the most effective ways to differentiate yourself from the competition is to innovate, whether, with a product or service, you always have to get ahead of your competitors.
If you find out something new through a newsletter, magazine or any other means of communication, it is too late to put it into practice in your business. You have to try to be a pioneer and serve as an example of a reference for others.
4. Tell a Story: Your Story
As mentioned in a fitness platform called “simple health tips”, each company has a unique and fascinating story to tell. Which is yours? For example, did you start the company with two other partners? Or maybe is it a multi-generation company?
More and more people like to find out what the company’s history is before working with it. Your ideal clients are looking for a company with satisfied customers, a company they can trust, that is, a company that has something that is an extra. Your company sure has something special that your competitors don’t have. Find what it is, tell it, post it on your website and include it in your communication.
We are sure that at the time you made a good investment in the design of your website. It seems like yesterday, but it may have been quite a while since then. Let’s be honest: Do you remember when you did the last redesign? Maybe for several years? A good design is not something we invest in once, every website needs a periodic update and your website probably needs it now.
Related: – How to Use SEO Traffic to Make the Website a Better Place
Attentive to the traffic of your website that is very important, for example, 81% of the industrial purchase cycles start with a web search. Most of your visibility will be for people to find you through search engines.
If the amount of traffic to your website (mainly from Google) has fallen, it is because your website is not optimized enough for searches.
Never forget SEO. A good redesign should consider the user experience and select the right keywords to help improve your search engine positioning.
Attracting people to your website is a very important task, but if once they have accessed they do not navigate on it, it is of no use. The percentage of dropouts is the percentage of visitors who leave your website immediately after arriving there.
“If the dropout rate is above 55%, then you should start wondering why most visitors don’t stay on your website.
There are several reasons why your bounce rate is high: pages that take a long time to load, non-intuitive design or that does not make it easier for users to find the information they need, or because the page has no professional or relevant content.
All these reasons lead us to the same thing: if visitors leave your website as soon as they enter, we are not doing things right. You have to correct the reasons that make them run away from your website and make a good web redesign.
More than half of Google searches are done on mobile and almost a third of purchases made online on these devices. If your website is not yet adapted mobile, then you are almost certainly losing some of your customers.
A high percentage of dropouts indicates that your website is not doing its job well and a significant percentage of dropouts on mobile devices indicates that your website is not providing an intuitive experience to its visitors.
Each web redesign project should establish as a priority for the adaptation of the website to mobile phones. Not everyone has thought so in recent years, so it is very possible that your page is not ‘responsive’. Now is the time to think about all the visitors that access through your mobile phone.
According to a healthy lifestyle tips platform, your website has a clear purpose: to help your company make more sales. Each page must also have its own objective: to get visitors to click on a page, join a blog subscription, fill out the contact form … make a purchase etc.
Whatever your goal on each page, you can track through tools such as Google Analytics or HubSpot, in this way you will get a clear view of the effectiveness of your website to achieve these goals.
Turning site users into potential customers are the ultimate goal of any site. If you have a lot of traffic on your website but your conversion rate is low, then you have a problem. Low conversion rates mean that your website does not meet the main objective.
A good web redesign proposal will focus on improving your website to be more attractive to your future customers. This also gives you the opportunity to improve your calls to action so that your website is efficient and allows users to perform the actions you want to meet your goal.
Visitors who do not convert do not help achieve the financial results you expect. So if a large part of those visitors passes this on, it’s time to update your site.
Your website has been in the past what you needed at that time, but user behavior has changed. Take advantage of the moment and redesign your site to make it more modern and adapt it to marketing.
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