How To Know If Your Phone Has A Virus: 2024 Guide

How To Know If Your Phone Has A Virus (2024 Guide)

by Micah James — 2 months ago in Security 4 min. read

As smartphones become integral to our daily lives, the threat of malware infections looms larger than ever. In this comprehensive blog, we will explore the telltale of how to know if your phone has a virus, effective methods to detect and remove malware, and important steps to protect your device from future infections.

Is Your Phone Acting Strangely? It Could Be Infected

Smartphones have become necessary in our daily routines, yet their permeability to malware and other online dangers is frequently disregarded. If you execute unusual phenomena on your phone, like frequent crashes, unannounced pop-up ads, or sluggish performance, it might be a sign of malware infiltration. These subtle signs should prompt immediate action to prevent further compromise of your device and personal data.

How To Check Your Phone For Viruses: 10 Warning Signs

Detecting malware on your phone requires vigilance and awareness of common warning signs. Below are ten indications that your device might be compromised.

  • Unexplained Battery Drain: Malicious programs steering in the background can expend your phone’s battery more rapidly than normal.
  • Excessive Data Usage: Malware may consume data by sending and receiving information without your consent.
  • Unusual App Behavior: Apps crashing frequently or behaving erratically could signal a malware infection.
  • Pop-Up Ads: An influx of intrusive ads, especially when not using a browser or specific app, is a red flag.
  • Slow Performance: Malware can overload your device’s resources, resulting in lingering performance.
  • Unexplained Charges: Unauthorized purchases or subscriptions on your phone bill may indicate malware activity.
  • Strange Text Messages: If your contacts receive spam or access messages from your number, your device may be compromised.
  • Overheating: Malicious software can overwork your device, leading to excessive heat generation.
  • Sudden App Installations: If you notice unprecedented apps on your device, it could be an indication of malware installation.
  • Security Warnings: Pop-up messages claiming your device is infected or requesting personal information are likely scams.
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How To Remove Viruses From Your Phone (Android & iPhone)

If you consider your phone has malware, taking immediate action is essential to minimize potential harm. Here’s the procedure to eliminate viruses from both Android and iPhone devices.


  • Restart Your Device in Safe Mode: Depress and clasp the power button, then click and continue holding “Restart” until the option “Reboot to safe mode” appears. Choose it to initiate safe mode, wherein third-party applications are deactivated.
  • Uninstall Suspicious Apps: Navigate to Settings > Apps > Downloaded Apps and uninstall any unfamiliar or suspicious applications.
  • Update System Software: Make it definitive that your device’s operating system and applications are current to address security permeabilities.
  • Install Antivirus Software: Think about installing dependent antivirus software from the Google Play Store to scan and eliminate malware from your device.
  • Factory Reset: If none of the previous steps prove dominant, you can resort to performing a factory reset. This will delete all data and revert your device to its rudimentary settings.


  • Close Suspicious Apps: Double-click the Home button and swipe up any suspected apps to close them.
  • Clear Safari Cache: Open Settings > Safari > Clear History and Website Data to remove any stored malicious scripts or cookies.
  • Update iOS: Confirm that your iPhone’s operating system is every times current with the latest version to address any security weaknesses.
  • Install Antivirus App: While uncommon, there are antivirus applications accessible for iOS devices that offer an extra level of security.
  • Reset Settings: If your iPhone continues to expose unusual behavior, consider reconstructing all settings to default under Settings > General > Reset.

How Does Your Phone Get Infected With Malware?

Understanding the mechanisms behind malware infections is crucial to implementing effective cybersecurity measures. Mobile devices are susceptible to being compromised through different methods, including.

  • Malicious Apps: Users may inadvertently install infected applications from unreliable sources or third-party app marketplaces.
  • Pharming Attacks: Cybercriminals manipulate DNS settings or exploit vulnerabilities in routers to redirect users to fake websites.
  • Drive-By Downloads: Visiting conciliated websites or clicking on malicious links can produce automatic downloads of malware onto your device.
  • Infected Attachments: Opening email attachments or downloading files from unknown sources can introduce malware to your phone.
  • Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Vulnerabilities: Malware can be disseminated via insecure Bluetooth connections or unsecured Wi-Fi networks.
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How To Protect Your Phone From Viruses, Hackers, and Malware

Protecting your mobile device from cyber threats demands a proactive stance and adherence to recommended procedures. Below are crucial strategies to ensure the security of your phone.

  • Download Apps From Trusted Sources: Use reputable app platforms like Google Play Store or Apple App Store to detract the chances of downloading apps transmissible with malware.
  • Enable App Permissions Wisely: Review and limit the permissions accepted to each app to prevent unnecessary access to sensitive data.
  • Keep Software Updated: Periodically update your device’s operating system and apps to patch security vulnerabilities and protect against arising threats.
  • Install Antivirus Software: Think about adding trusted antivirus software to your device to check for and eliminate any malware present.
  • Use Secure Wi-Fi Networks: Refrain from connecting to unguarded Wi-Fi networks, especially when dealing with suspective information or conducting online transactions.
  • Exercise Caution When Clicking Links: Exercise caution when encountering suspicious links in emails, text messages, or social media posts, as they could observable you to phishing or malware-laden websites.
  • Implement Strong Passwords: Use complex passwords or biometric authentication methods to secure your device and accounts.
  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication: Enhance your account security by triggering two-factor authentication, adding a stratum of protection.
  • Backup Your Data Regularly: Backup important data to cloud storage or external devices to mitigate the impact of a malware attack or device loss.
  • Stay Informed: Stay updated on the latest cybersecurity trends and threats to better protect yourself against evolving risks.
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In an era dominated by smartphones, protecting your device from malware is paramount. By recognizing the signs of a virus-infected phone, knowing how to remove malware, and implementing robust security measures, you can safeguard your personal information and enjoy a safer mobile experience. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and stay secure in the digital age.


What is pharming and how does it differ from phishing?

Pharming is a cyber attack where users are redirected to fake websites without their knowledge, while phishing involves deceptive emails or messages to steal personal information.

How can I tell if my phone is infected with pharming malware?

Signs of pharming malware on your phone include unusual pop-up ads, slow performance, and unexpected app installations.

Can pharming attacks target mobile devices?

Yes, pharming attacks can affect mobile devices by redirecting users to fake websites designed to steal personal information.

What steps can I take to protect my phone from pharming attacks?

To protect against pharming attacks, ensure your phone's operating system and apps are updated, avoid clicking on suspicious links, and use reputable antivirus software.

Is it safe to use public Wi-Fi networks on my phone?

Public Wi-Fi networks pose a risk of pharming attacks, so it's best to avoid accessing sensitive information or making online transactions while connected to them. Use a virtual private network (VPN) for added security.

Micah James

Micah is SEO Manager of The Next Tech. When he is in office then love to his role and apart from this he loves to coffee when he gets free. He loves to play soccer and reading comics.

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