Why Top Ranking Blogs In Google Also Have A Lot Of Social Shares

Why Top Ranking Blogs in Google also have a lot of Social Shares

by Kristel Staci — 5 years ago in Business Ideas 4 min. read

There has been an ongoing debate on the impact of social signals on the search rankings of the website.

Whether it’s a blog or a free offer, the content of these types makes it possible for the company to really demonstrate its value to consumers without having to make the often feared hard.

The primary point is that social media doesn’t directly affect SEO, especially in comparison to other site issues. However, it does have an effect on the factors that affect rankings, such as traffic. That is, it indirectly affects the rating.

While such content is obviously essential to maintain a robust online presence, it is also necessary to do what you can to give this content as much attention as possible. Social media networking provides an excellent opportunity to accomplish this very goal.

In this post, you’ll learn about what is takes to rank a site in Google, while also using social shares and SEO best practices.

Why Top Ranking Blogs in Google also have a lot of Social Shares 1

Why Does Social Media Increase Ranking in Google?

It matters a lot because social sharing is a critical part of building an online community–whether it’s a simple business platform or a complex social network. Social sharing can help develop web traffic and further marketing performance goals.

For a user, discovering useful and intrinsically interesting content can be helpful, enjoyable, and at the heart of what the web is all about.

Once sharing social media is thrown into a mixture, it can help change this trend. If you have social sharing buttons on your blog page or promoting a blog on your company’s own social media accounts, the very act of social sharing helps to make the content more accessible than it would otherwise have been.

The advantage of social media is the potential of your content, deals, and posts to reach a wider audience. In many ways, social media is very much like word – of – mouth ads.

When someone shares your content, they ‘re acting as a sort of brand evangelist. While there is no guarantee that they are a loyal customer of your business, they are someone who loves your content, and they’ll gladly advertise it on your side for free.

Why is social sharing valuable?

  • Develop your brand as an industry expert with valuable resources, news, and ideas
  • Increase social visibility within a community that will help get you on the radar of customers, users, and potential partners.
  • Great shared content helps start conversations
  • Be part of an online group to create goodwill for your brand or profile
  • Makes it easy to find new social followers, fans, and friends
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How does it help in Google Ranking?

Content That will get more quality links:

Backlinks were always an important factor when it comes to the ranking of websites in search engines. You will know when the content has a higher number of social media shares.

Perhaps not influencers/power users, as well as many other webmasters/bloggers who might want to connect to you.

Build Follower and Increase Social Share:

Social media makes it easy for you to create your presence on the web. It lets you connect to an audience that isn’t always prepared to accept from you but wants to do business with you because well. To learn more about why and how growing your following is so important, take a look at some of the recent finding in this latest social media influencer report.

Having a substantial social media trail probably won’t hurt, but it might not help as well as you’d think.

Instead of dwelling on the sheer number of people who follow you, think about the content of your followers.

Increase Google Searches:

People don’t just use search engines to look up stuff. With robust search functionality, social media platforms often serve as valuable search engines themselves. There may be people who discover your profile, website, or content through the search for social media.

While one might think searching through Google is an efficient way to learn more about what people are searching for to get to your site, it’s really more about keyword analysis and keeping an eye on your competitors. To best accomplish this, it’s recommended that you use any of the SERP checker tools online.

The benefit in using a tool to track and monitor your SEO efforts, is that you can create a free account and watch as your site’s keywords and rankings change over time. This will let you know what methods are working, and which aren’t.

Best Practice for Local SEO:

If you are a small or medium-sized business with a physical address, you can not and should not ignore the power of local search. Google Local is one of the first tools that you should be using, as it will allow you to claim your business in the search results, and also manage your account information and customer feedabck.

Google is aware of the importance of location and its role in providing people with a better user experience.

Therefore, make sure that every profile is updated regularly with your current address, phone number, company name, etc.

You have the same information across all accounts, which, in effect, will suit the information on the web.

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At the end of the day, if you are going to spend the time to create a new website or blog, you are going to want it to be succesful. The definition of success means something different to every site owner, but ultimately it means getting visitors that enjoy their experience while on your site.

For this to happen, not only will you need to create high quality content and promote it, you will also need to come up with an effective content creation and marketing strategy as well — which also includes social sharing and promotion across all of the major platforms.

Social sharing plays a key role in your overall SEO strategy, although it may not directly affect your rankings. It primarily works by making the company and services more accessible, which in effect attracts more traffic…

Kristel Staci

I love everything about internet marketing, SEO and blogging. You may have even seen me write about it on some of your favorite websites and blogs.

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