Facebook's Open-Source API To Help Fight Child Abuse And Terrorist Propaganda

Facebook’s Open-Source API to help Fight Child Abuse and Terrorist Propaganda

by Amelia Scott — 5 years ago in Development < 1 min. read

Facebook now announced it has open-sourcing two technology that assist it control the spread of problematic material such as kid abuse, terrorist propaganda, or graphic manipulation on the internet. These technologies assist the social media in discovering identical and almost identical pictures and video so as to weed out content that has been flagged as being in breach of its own policies.

The Business Stated using these open-sourced APIs, Programmers can Produce algorithms to Fit two similar Documents with No original Picture or video:

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These technologies make an efficient way to store files as a small digital hash, which can determine that two files without the original image or video are the same or similar. It can be shared more easily with other companies and non-profits.

In May, after Christchurch terrorist attack. Facebook partnered with The University of Maryland, Cornell University and the University of California, Berkeley, and developed technologies to detect manipulated photographs and videos.

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The company says that it expects developers and organizations to take advantage of these libraries and share the digital footprints of different types of harmful material. If developers can create a collective database of potentially harmful content, then it can help organizations to secure digital platforms for users, and prevent them from facing upset or offensive content.

Amelia Scott

Amelia is a content manager of The Next Tech. She also includes the characteristics of her log in a fun way so readers will know what to expect from her work.

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