What Is The Difference Between Managed Vs. Unmanaged VPS Hosting?

What is the Difference between Managed vs. Unmanaged VPS Hosting?

by Alex Noah — 3 years ago in Review 3 min. read

Hosting is an essential part of any web-based company. It provides your website with strong foundations that can withstand high traffic spikes. You should carefully consider the web hosting service you choose.

There are many factors to consider when choosing a web hosting provider. First, you must decide what type of web hosting you want (shared/VPS, cloud, dedicated). Next, you will need to select a provider. You will also need to decide if you would like to manage your hosting service or if you prefer the provider to do it for you.

VPS Hosting

Let’s say you decide to use VPS hosting for your website. VPS stands to Virtual Private Server and is the name of the service. It refers the fact that a hosting provider splits a physical server into multiple virtual servers. VPS hosting has many advantages.

VPS hosting has a higher resource allocation than shared hosting. All websites share the same server’s processing power with shared hosting. If one website experiences an increase in traffic, it will affect the performance of all other sites on the server.

VPS hosting, on the other hand, gives each website a certain amount of computing power. Websites that use VPS hosting will not be affected by traffic levels from other sites on the same physical server. VPS hosting is also faster to load because of the resource allocation.

You have two options when you choose VPS hosting. Either the hosting provider will manage it for you or you can do it yourself. These are called Managed or Unmanaged VPS Hosting.
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Managed Hosting

Hosting plans offered by providers include several elements. The most fundamental of these is the server hardware. The operating system and various software required to run websites are usually part of this server.

Hosting companies might also offer other services, such as status monitoring, automated backups, security sweeps, and malware scanning and elimination.

Management services are the additional features. Here is the “managed” portion of “managed hosting”. Managed hosting is simply a hosting plan that includes additional benefits and services.

The host will implement these features and services for you, rather than you having to do it yourself. A managed VPS hosting plan not only makes it easier, you can also focus on growing and maintaining your website.

Managed VPS Hosting Services

The exact services that managed VPS hosting will provide you with will vary depending on which hosting provider you select. There are however a few services that all companies offer.

Automated Backups

Website data can be lost for many reasons. However, no matter what the reason, you will want it back as soon as possible. Automated backups are a great solution. Automated backups make sure that you always have a copy of your website, so you can quickly restore it if anything goes wrong.
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Performance Monitoring

You can avoid disaster by monitoring your site’s performance. Your host might notify you if your site is close to exhausting its resources (such as memory). This will give you enough time to improve your website’s resources before it crashes or slows down.

Automatic Software Upgrades

Updates to core software programs such as PHP, Apache, MySQL, and others will be required from time to time to ensure they are up-to-date with the most recent security patches. Your host will track any updates and perform them for you.

Security, Malware Scanning and Removal

Website owners must make server security a priority. Website owners can detect any security issues and remove/clean up them.
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Unmanaged Hosting

Unmanaged VPS Hosting is a VPS hosting service that does not include additional services. This hosting plan may only include an operating system. You will need to install all the software yourself.

The hosting company will not provide services or perform management tasks on your server. If you need something done, it will be you who must do it.

There are several reasons you might choose managed VPS hosting over unmanaged VPS Hosting.

  • You are looking to learn more about server administration and you want to experiment with the server on your own.
  • You want to save money.
  • Your website needs special attention at the server level.
  • You have the skills and time to manage your server.
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There is a major difference between managed VPS hosting and unmanaged VPS hosting. The former offers additional services that the hosting provider manages, while the latter doesn’t. The technical knowledge of you, the requirements of your website, and your budget will all play a role in deciding which VPS hosting service to use.

It also depends on how much time and effort you are willing to put into managing the server. Managed VPS hosting, for example, is best if you are not an expert in servers but want to spend your time building and growing your website. Unmanaged hosting is for you if you’d rather manage things yourself and save money.

Alex Noah

Alex is senior editor of The Next Tech. He studied International Communication Management at the Hague University of Applied Sciences.

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