12 Tips To Develop A Business Name And Logo That Genuinely Befit Your Brand

12 Tips to Develop a Business Name and Logo that Genuinely Befit Your Brand

by Frank Borg — 5 years ago in Business Ideas 4 min. read

Your business name and logo serve customers in forming the first impression regarding your brand. New startups usually invest a lot of efforts, time and money to craft their brand identity ensuring that it communicates their vision properly.

Since it is your company logo and name that appears about everywhere in relation to your brand, it is crucial to make them both fine. Here are 12 tips by experts to help you craft a business name and logo that genuinely befit your brand. Observe their advice in case you are seeking out inspiration for your startup.

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Here are 12 tips by experts to help you Business

  1. Begin with your business strategy

Most of the entrepreneurs engage in efforts (and waste much of their time) to develop a logo and brand even before creating a strategy of their business. This postpones the real work of creating a strategy for the business. If you work on your business strategy and formulate your vision and product-market right, then the logo and brand formation will take on the right form all by itself.

  1. Make it purposeful and relevant

Check and ensure that the components you apply are meaningful and relevant to your brand and business. It may imply that you utilize the founder’s name, a mark that represents what your company does, or something that communicates what you aspire to make your customers’ feel. No matter what you choose, make sure that you vividly enunciate the marks and take advantage of your story to enhance your customers’ interest.

  1. Know your audience and figure out what they care about

Your business name, logo, shades, or flamboyant tagline are not what you call a brand. Your brand means what people imagine or perceive when they come across your company’s name. To establish a veritable brand, get to know your target audience and figure out how significant your brand is for them. Devise a purpose, identity and a relevant narrative serving out a purpose. Once you are done with it, it is going to be much convenient to select a brand name and logo that genuinely suit your business.

  1. Be Strategic about every detail

It must be a joint ingenious and strategic effort. Make a draft of all the basic elements; all the do’s and don’ts. After all the innovative development, scrutinize all options with an objective eye by reflecting, “does it fit in our strategic standards?” only then review finalists on the basis of subjective predilection. In the end, ask somebody to pronounce your company name loud or spell it when you read it.

  1. Do not think too hard

The proper logo and name can affect business prospects a lot. But both of these are significantly less essential than the standard of the business’ services and products. It is worthwhile to use a pertinent company logo and identity. But it is probable to get entangled in iterations. Find out some ideas, work on these and decide the most feasible one. Don’t think too hard.

  1. Keep it plain

In the presence of so many complexities in the world, a plain and direct company name and logo proved to be most effective. It will render additional advantages to your business e.g. it will fit in more easily in small spaces.

  1. Get inspiration from popular brands

Entire art is inspired. The same is true for branding agency San Francisco. Undertake a survey and try to find out what makes your favorite brands so popular. How do their logo and name communicate their narrative? Does their logo contain any such colors that inspire a particular emotion? Is their logo plain or complex? Considering these aspects will help you figure out a sound strategy for your brand.

  1. Consider what will attract your potential customers

One of the biggest mistakes while designing a logo is to make it prematurely. Before developing your brand, you must know and understand your audience. Designing a splendid logo is wonderful but if it does echo your customer’s emotions, or it is not memorable for them, then your logo becomes insignificant. Colors and fonts are design components that make your logo attractive or repulsive.

  1. Exhibit your values

We all crave for human sentiments, to be part and parcel, to be heard, and to be seen. In our age, it is more necessary for a logo to be real and genuine than ever. When a logo exhibits something, you establish an emotional relationship with your potential customers and start developing fans. The world is getting less and less real; hence you need to be genuine.

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  1. Inform a comprehensive story

Your brand must communicate a real and comprehensive story. Invest your time to contemplate and comprehend your vision, your business and what emotions do you aspire your logo to tell people. Therefore, establish a business name or logo that can vividly and consistently communicate your story.

  1. Outsource it

Use some freelancing sites to outsource your brand. Collect ideas from different designers and then create a poll. Hear from your potential customers and choose the most favored one. Only make sure that you don’t blend too many colors.

  1. Do not settle

When you need to rebrand your business, do take the legacy and honor of the brand into account. Try out a lot of different logos and choose the one that captures the business and product successfully.

Frank Borg

Hi. I am Frank Borg from Zega Logos. I love to write about Graphic Designing, web designing, web development, tech services, and other categories. I have been writing for the past four years

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