The CBSE class 12thmaths exam is one of the most important exams in every student’s life. They want to score well and move forward in their higher studies, but for all these happen you need to practice and revise all the topics and be thorough with it.
Before the exam students tend to learn new topics instead of revising this causes a lot of problems during the exam as they forget about the topics that they have studied earlier and start to panic and eventually lose marks. You can follow the below-given steps to revise before your CBSE class 12thmaths exam:
While preparing for the class 12 maths exam you must have maintained separate notes for each chapter, these notes are not for you to keep in the locker instead use them and take advantage of your hard work.
Study the notes and try to follow what you have written, it will be easier to go through your writing and you will be able to understand and recollect the topics faster. This will increase your confidence and help score well.
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Start the revision as early as possible; the more revisions you can give the more clarity you will gain on the subject and the topic. Students who score above 85-90 generally start their revision 5-6 days before the exam.
Complete your syllabus early and start revising the chapters and topics regularly. You can go through the Vedantu class 12 maths NCERT solutions pdf also for revising and practicing.
Revision before the exam includes practicing and memorizing the formulas and equations related to the chapters and topics. Write the formulas in a note and practice them until you are confident enough.
During the exam, these formulas will be used and if you do not revise and go, you may forget them and as a result, you will not be able to solve the particular question.
Formulas from all the chapters should be revised and practiced and solving few examples related to these formulas, this will help you to memorize the formulas and understand their use. Solving question based on the formulas is a very good habit and every student must do it.
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Before the maths exams try to stay calm and do not be afraid. Generally, students are afraid of the maths exam, and as the day of the exam nears they start to panic and losses confidence which will hamper their preparation and marks.
Always be confident and give your 100 percent. If you are unable to solve questions related to certain topics there is a need to be stressed out as you can always revise the same topic before going to the exam. Staying calm before the exam will also help you to stay calm during the exam and help you perform better.
The more questions you try to solve the more experience you will gain. Before the exam practice solving questions related to each topic and learn the pattern.
Solve the latest sample papers and question banks as they contain a lot of different types of questions. Every student must try to solve at least 2 sample papers before the exam as it will help you cover all the topics included in the class 12thmaths syllabus and you will be able to revise and recollect all the concepts.
You can also write mock tests before the exam, writing a mock test is also a good revision before the exam and students can benefit from it.
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You must revise all the chapters but there are some important chapters that students must focus on more and revise 2-3 times before the exam.
These are some of the chapters:
There are few things that every student must avoid doing before the exam, some of the things that you must avoid before the exam are as follows:
Before the exam revising the topics is an important thing to do if you want to score well, but students tend to revise the whole night before the exam and do not sleep or eat well.
This will only affect your exam in a bad way and thus you need proper food and rest before you go to write the exam. Being healthy is also a part of the revision process before the exam.
Thus revise and practice the entire topic along with solving sample papers and question banks. Practice the formulas and equations and stay calm and positive before the exam.
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