How An App Like GoJek Can Help You Generate High Revenue

How an App like GoJek can help You Generate High Revenue

by William John — 5 years ago in Mobile Apps 3 min. read

We have seen the retail transcend from small shops to supermarkets to hypermarkets. This is a kind of transformation that we can expect to see in all the industries. The realm of on-demand services cannot be an exception to this transformation.

The demand for applications to do multiple tasks and facilitate more than one utility has resulted in the creation of multi-service applications or so-called super apps. WeChat is one of the examples of such super app. It has plans to be an instant messaging platform, also to feature a payment solution, local services, friend search, and even heatmaps. It can be taken as a good example of pioneering super apps but it did not create what it takes to penetrate multiple markets.

The unprecedented success of super apps has also prompted businesses to capitalize on the white label apps that are available in the market. The business of providing a one-stop solution for multiple utilities has all the elements of lucrativeness to become a success.

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Introducing Go-Jek from Indonesia

Go-Jek was a small company that started off as a bike riding service in Indonesia. Today, it is a Unicorn valued at $5 billion, which is greater than the total market cap of all the transportation companies in Indonesia put together.

The open secret to the success of Go-Jek is in providing multiple services. Go-Jek has over 20 different divisions providing services like cab booking, courier pickup, food delivery, E-Commerce, logistic services, entertainment tickets, medicine delivery, massage request and even delivering fuel from the nearest gas stations.

Gojek has made it to Fortune’s List of 50 Companies that Changed the World and stands at number 17 in the list. The companies that have invested in logic include Astra International,, Google and Tencent which created WeChat.

Gojek has shown the power of aggregating aggregators and has demonstrated what the success of scaling laterally could be! This success has prompted a lot of businesses to create super apps that are structural and functional like Gojek.

Creating an App Like Gojek

Right from delivering a packet of food to a consignment of container goods, Gojek has covered everything. There are people who have contrasting perspectives of super apps. There is one group that says that the focus should be on a single service and not on multiple services. The other group talks about building a brand, so the services carry the value and the trust of the brand as they keep getting added.

Anything said the success of Gojek has been more than compelling enough for businesses to consider deploying white-label of apps similar to Gojek.

Essential features of a super app like Gojek

When we are talking about super apps, the application can have any beginning and good at any set of services. Therefore, it might not be accurate to pinpoint a handful of features confined to a single service. However, there are a few aspects that need to be in place outside the context of utility.

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The app should be scalable in both magnitude and direction. It should also be able to accommodate services and function smoothly without any trouble or hindrance.

100% White Label

There are companies that can create completely functional apps like Gojek and let you put your own brand without charging extra amount. This white labeling enables you to create a brand without spending a fortune on developing the app from scratch.

Updates for the App

Change is the only constant thing, and there is no better field than the technology that exemplifies it. The app should be provided with the essential updates to enhance the functionality and keep it relevant to the demands of that point in time.

Key Components for creating app like Gojek

Given the demand for multiple services and the above-said features, the script for developing gojek clone app should have the following components:

  • Apps for the service provider
  • App for the user
  • Responsive website
  • Administrative interface to work on the payments, the commission, and the rates.
  • Support ecosystem


All-in-one services have been always fascinating for any business and on-demand services would also go through that phase. Right now, the success of Gojek shows that the phase is now. As a business, if you would like to capitalize on this wave, you can get in touch with app development companies and experts will take care to gather the requirements and deliver you the perfect app like Gojek that you can launch in your market.

William John

I am having a keen interest in the latest trends and technologies that are emerging in different domains. Being an entrepreneur in the field of IT sector, it becomes my responsibility to aid my audience with the knowledge of latest trends in the market.

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