5 Simple Ways To Optimize Your Website For Lead Generation

5 Simple Ways to Optimize Your Website for Lead Generation

by Ritu Sharma — 5 years ago in Review 3 min. read

Lead generation is something every business website would like to maximize and optimizing your website can increase the number of leads you get. However, it is not something that comes easily.

Many people think by having a button for visitors to click on, they have done their part and they can then sit back and enjoy streams of traffic to their landing page. That’s not how it works though. You need to do a bit more.

The work you may need to do will be a lot, but it is not hard. With some simple actions, you could get more people visiting your landing page. Let us take a look at 5 of them.

Related: – How to Use SEO Traffic to Make the Website a Better Place

Monitor and Evaluate Existing Landing Pages

You need to start with what you already have and see what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong. There are tools that will help you keep track of how every lead generator is doing.

The tools will give you feedback on performance as well as tips to improve the current performance of the page.

Sometimes you can also see which page is doing best and then study what exactly is leading to that performance so that you can replicate the same action on other pages to ensure they also start to bring in more leads. You can also monitor calls to action to find out which ones make the most impact.

Keep the Homepage Call to Action Simple

The homepage is usually what people will visit first and will likely get more visitors than most of the other pages on your website. That makes it a perfect place to place a call to action. You, however, do not want to overwhelm the visitor with complex calls to action.

Keep it simple but effective. You could, for example, have a promotion running where you invite visitors to sign up for a free trial of your product or service. Just let them sign up and provide details. With this call to action, you are promoting your product, but also getting their email address which you can use to send them further information in the future.

Connect with Visitors and Personalize Experiences

This may take investment in the right tools that can capture information about guests to your website. It will be worth it because according to research, websites that personalize the experience for visitors, get more conversions.

Connecting with your visitor involves understanding them and their interests so that you show them content that they are interested in. It also helps if your website is able to recognize visitors who have visited before.

Greeting them by name the second time they visit your site will impress them and they would be more likely to return or to make a purchase from your site.

Capitalize on the Most Visited Pages

Not every page is going to give you the same amount of traffic. You, therefore, need to identify the ones with the most traffic and use them to your advantage. It will begin by identifying the source of such traffic. It could be YouTube videos, Social media pages or even email.

There may be several sources of traffic but just identify the best 2 and then see where they are leading the guests. The pages that receive the most traffic would be the right place to put your most relevant call to action.

It could be a request for contact address so you can send them more information or an invitation to visit your stall at an exhibition. You can decide what CTA you wish to use and then implement it on that page. Need more ideas on copywriting CTAs? Read more on tips to write and optimize your content here.

Rely on Research and Testing

Researched data can be relied upon more confidently than simple suggestions. Find out how much research exists on a particular demographic and let that guide your actions. You also need to carry out tests.

The A/B test is a common test that people can perform to find out which strategy is better than the other. Many of the websites that carry out tests and research report that their lead generation has improved ever since then.

You need to remember that you are not just looking for leads. These leads you receive need to be funneled through to become paying customers.

You need to have a plan to nature those leads to the next step. The communication you make with a lead after they provide their email address can determine if they will become more than just a lead. Use the information you have about them and try to get to know them even better so that you provide relevant content.

You will also need to ensure you continue to give a call to action and make sure it is visible and standing out from the rest of the content.

Ritu Sharma

Ritu Sharma is the Content Insights Manager& Online Marketing Strategist with over 9 years of professional experience. She is currently working with India’s leading SEO company PageTraffic. She has spearheaded many successful SEO campaigns for PageTraffic. You can follow her at

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