Remote Work Revolution: The Key To A Secure Future Lies In Identity Verification

Navigating The New Normal: Remote Work Security And The Role Of Identity Verification Solutions

by Micah James — 12 months ago in Review 3 min. read

The global shift to remote work, accelerated by the global pandemic, has revolutionized business operations. However, new challenges come with this transformation, especially in the sphere of cyber security and identity verification.

Thus, it is high time to discuss the significance of robust identity verification solutions in maintaining the integrity of remote work environments and how innovative software solutions can help.

The Remote Work Revolution

There used to be a time when remote work was an option only for a handful of professions. However, with the growing importance of cyberspace for work and improved communication technology, remote work is becoming an increasingly available option.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created an additional stimulus for establishing the possibility of working from other places than the office. Now considered part of standard working practice, implementing some form of remote work policies has been reported by 80% of organizations worldwide.

From a worker’s perspective, the remote work option has many benefits, including:

  • Flexibility when choosing or creating a workspace;
  • Ability to travel while working;
  • Saving time and other resources associated with getting to work and back;
  • Access to employment opportunities far from home.

The advantages from the employer’s perspective include:

  • Access to talent pools all over the world;
  • Reduced costs related to office space rent, maintenance, and power bills;
  • Flexibility in scheduling;
  • Improved business continuity management in case of natural disasters or disease outbreaks.

However, remote work does not prepare for at least one kind of challenge to business continuity – cyber attacks. In fact, working remotely is faced with increased cybersecurity risks, especially those related to identity fraud.

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Identity Verification in The Virtual Workspace

Wanting to benefit from access to the global talent pool created by the remote work option also motivates organizations to hire remotely more. Remote hiring increases the risk of letting a malicious actor hiding behind a stolen ID into your firm.

Hiring and signing contracts in the virtual workspace requires digital identity verification that goes beyond just showing a photo ID. Cutting-edge software solutions for KYC compliance and identity verification utilize the following functions to address the risks of digital identity fraud.

  1. Automated picking out of the ID data. Hiring people from all over the world requires being able to check thousands of different ID documents that describe who the person is from a legal perspective. AI-based tools are able to automatically find and extract the relevant data from pictures of these documents.
  2. ID document verification. Software tools can verify identity documents across various national and international registries to make sure that the person is who they claim to be. In this process, it will spot fakes that do not correspond with any actual document type. Additionally, unsanctioned data alterations will be recognized and flagged.
  3. Face recognition. Checking if the pictured face is an actual face instead of a mask or a model of the human face. Additionally, as deep fake technology allows for creating digital human face replicas, AI tools are also instrumental in separating the real from the fake. Finally, these tools have to be sure that the face is of a conscious person.
  4. Face identification. When hiring online, usually the applicant has to film or photograph their face for recognition. The key function of software tools is verifying that the face in the picture or still frame matches the one in the ID photo.
  5. Age verification. Checking the biometrics of a face to verify that the person is not too young by law to be employed is crucial for compliance.

What About The User Experience?

Along with the security issues for the employer, remote work also raises some challenges for those working or seeking work remotely.

Malicious actors can pose not only as job seekers but also as firms hiring people remotely. Thus, high-level security measures and identity verification will usually raise the trust of applicants in the organization, proving that it is a real and reputable place of work.

Finally, online identity verification does not have to be complicated and unpleasant for job applicants. Top-notch software tools allow for a seamless user experience by providing clear and concise instructions that require only basic actions from the users.

Reducing frustration for the user, providing options to easily switch devices when needed, and having customer support available can highly improve hiring conversion rates for remote employers.

Micah James

Micah is SEO Manager of The Next Tech. When he is in office then love to his role and apart from this he loves to coffee when he gets free. He loves to play soccer and reading comics.

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