How 5G’s Improvement Of Cloud Technologies Will Benefit Some Innovations

How 5G’s Improvement of Cloud Technologies will Benefit some Innovations

by Amelia Scott — 3 years ago in Future 4 min. read

Cloud computing will experience a major shift with 5G. The fifth generation (5G), which was discussed at the Mobile World Congress in February, was a major topic of discussion. 5G will revolutionize the communications and network industry with its ultra-fast transmission speeds that can be 100x faster than 4G.

Already, the first 5G smartphone commercials are scheduled to be released in the first half this year. Ericsson Mobility’s recent report predicted that there would be nearly 20% more 5G subscribers by 2023.

Many industries will reap the benefits of 5G’s capabilities. 5G’s features will change the landscape in many industries, including the healthcare and automotive industries, as well as smart homes and smart cities.

Cloud services will become more important as there are more potential industries. Wearable devices, which lack sufficient internal storage and rely on larger, synced devices like smartphones for data, will be able function independently using 5G’s low-to-zero latency.

Businesses have many options because of the communication potential. For example, IBM and Vodafone recently inked a B2B (Business-to-Business) deal aimed at cloud hosting, along with another part providing solutions in a number of areas including IoT, Artificial Intelligence, and other 5G-beneficial applications.

5G is an important technology for both cloud-dependent industries and the cloud industry itself. Through the widespread use of a variety of innovations, the fifth generation technology will help accelerate cloud business investment.

5G’s impact on other technological innovations

Combining 5G with cloud technologies will enhance the functionality and flexibility of many industries, particularly cloud businesses.

Combining 5G and cloud technologies will enable network providers to offer services that are comparable to those offered by non-cellular IoT network providers.

Cloud businesses will be able to take advantage of these innovations by investing in them. These are some of the ways 5G’s improvements to cloud technologies will help innovation.
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Streaming data, analytics

The existing Big Data processing technology uses cloud infrastructure for the storage. However, streaming analytics on Big Data is still difficult due to the latency of current wireless networks. Real-time streaming problems will be greatly reduced, as 5G networks are reportedly surprisingly fast.

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

For valuable insights in managing cost and efficiency, it is essential to process and analyze massive amounts of sensor data in real time for industrial applications, such as supply chain management or manufacturing. Given the variable and remote nature of these tasks, 5G could reduce the cost of Big Data analysis.

Edge computing

5G greatly impacts mobile and remote devices’ performance. Remote systems like location tracking apps, home automation systems and voice assistants that are based upon sensors will use 5G for transferring large amounts of data ten-times faster than 4G networks.

Natural language processing (NLP)

Artificial intelligence (AI), and natural language processing (NLP). As more companies use AI and NLP, it is essential that they can process and manage large amounts of data.

Cloud computing service providers are equipped with the storage and computers necessary, but they need to increase their data ingestion capabilities. 5G will allow for the necessary data transmission to enable AI- and NLP-based applications to function effectively.
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AR and VR

5G will significantly improve the quality of VR/AR applications and bring innovations to industries like retail, travel, and healthcare.

The above-mentioned areas will see significant technology adoption as 5G and its applications develop. These areas require complex and large-scale computing, which makes cloud computing an essential component. Although 5G is still a distant possibility, it’s not as far off as we think.

The 3GPP Release 15 standards, which are the next-generation network’s standard for 5G devices, classify them as non-standalone.

These devices cannot function independently and require significant modifications to the network standards and infrastructure. Enterprises, telecommunication companies, and cloud businesses have several years to plan and implement their 5G strategy.
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What will 5G mean for cloud services?

Mobile cloud applications are used by organizations today both from an operational and customer service perspective. After widespread rollout of 5G technology, mobile cloud applications will become more widely available and efficient.

Businesses will benefit from 5G’s increased speed and reliability for unified communications services. Mobile apps used every day are cloud-dependent, which will be improved by 5G’s low latency capabilities.

This will allow for faster transfers and provide more benefits than the 4G network. These poor performances can cause applications to be intentionally light or limit their potential during development.

Applications will be able to realize their full potential with 5G’s improved cloud availability. This is without any new ideas being lost. Cloud communications offer many benefits, whose main features will be enhanced by 5G.

Cloud service providers can reach mobile enterprise customers quickly and reliably using 5G technology. Because of 5G’s larger computing capacity and machine-tomachine communication, virtual machines will be easier to access via smartphones.

Mobile users will have more options and features from cloud computing companies, and hotspots can be faster. This will allow remote workers to access cloud services even if there is no internet connection.
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Last words

The cloud computing industry will see major improvements with 5G technology. Because most technological innovations are more efficient when cloud-dependent, this is why 5G technology will make it possible to improve the efficiency of cloud computing. With its low latency and smoother communication, 5G improves this integration.

This space has many applications that can be used in many industries. The cloud can be used for non-device storage.

These innovations will perform better if they are made use of the cloud via 5G connections. Cloud-based services and products will be more reliable, quicker, and more efficient. These innovations will in turn accelerate cloud business investment.

Amelia Scott

Amelia is a content manager of The Next Tech. She also includes the characteristics of her log in a fun way so readers will know what to expect from her work.

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