Which Main Instruments Will You Find In A Microbiology Laboratory?

Which Main Instruments Will You Find in A Microbiology Laboratory?

by Evelyn Addison — 2 years ago in Health 2 min. read

Microbiology is a fascinating world. It is where you can learn more about how our body works. Some biologists work with cells from the umbilical cords, in order to recreate skin and other parts of the body. In other words, this science can (almost) fully explain, how humans are created. But what instruments do they use in a microbiology laboratory? Here are a few of the most common ones.

A Multi-Mode Microplate Reader

You may not know this, but this instrument was the first one to be used for fast results, when doctors had to determine who was infected with the coronavirus, at the start of the pandemic. It was quickly adopted because it could provide results in less than 20 minutes, which at the time was much faster than any other test available to them. A multi-mode microplate reader is a necessity in a microbiology laboratory. It can take many samples, all at once, and analyze them. As we just mentioned, it can be used to determine if there are any viruses inside them, but it can also detect other presences, such as cancerous cells, for example. It is certainly a tool that makes biologist’s life easier.


An Analytical Balance

When you have to weigh elements that are in the sub-milligram range, you need a special balance to do so. The analytical balance is the tool used in microbiology laboratories to do just that. Its measuring pans are closed to the ambient air, in order to protect the samples from getting contaminated. They are used for various objectives including weighing test materials and sampling amounts, density determination, purity analysis, as well as quality control testing.

A Centrifuge

This machine is used almost for all analyses inside a biology laboratory. It separates the sample, through high-speed rotation. The result is that the denser particles move down, while the others remain in the center of the test tube. It is this way that the biologists proceed to separate them and make a precise count of each of them. The main objectives are The separation of cell organelles, nucleic acid, blood components, and also of isotopes.

A Microscope

This instrument has been in laboratories for a long time. It is still the main tool for a biologist when he needs to take a closer look at extremely small particles. It magnifies the view so that the person looking at it can observe and identify what is going on inside the sample. There is a large variety of microscopes, that are used for different goals, which is why it isn’t uncommon to find more than one, inside microbiology laboratories.

There are so many more instruments inside these labs. Since it is impossible to insert them all inside this article, let us end this overview with a quick alphabetical list of the most important ones that we did not mention yet:

  • Autoclave
  • Bunsen burner
  • Colony Counter
  • Deep Freezer
  • Homogenizer
  • Hot plate
  • Hot air oven
  • Incubator
  • Laminar Air Flow/Hood
  • Magnetic Stirrer
  • pH Meter
  • Spectrophotometer
  • Vortexer
  • Water Bath
  • Water Distiller
Evelyn Addison

Evelyn is an assistant editor for The Next Tech and Just finished her master’s in modern East Asian Studies and plans to continue with her old hobby that is computer science.

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