Finance Archives - The Next Tech

News/Business Ideas

Are REITs Safer than Stocks in a Economic Downturn
By: Alan Jackson, Wed December 2, 2020

How safe are REITs during an economic downturn? The real estate investment trusts are famously known for yielding income for..


Why is Financial Planning Important for Students?
By: Alan Jackson, Tue December 1, 2020

Are you a student, either in high school or college? If so, you undoubtedly agree that sometimes being broke in..


How to Provide Financial Support to your Family wi...
By: Branden Whittington, Sun September 20, 2020

Having gone through the good days of plenty and happiness, it is a tragedy that we face. COVID-19 is a..


The E-Commerce Transition- A Smooth Journey With O...
By: Derek Mckinskey, Wed August 19, 2020

Clearly, the pandemic has rewritten the rules of retail and you cannot expect business to return to normal in the..


5 Steps to Gaining Financial Freedom
By: Alex Noah, Thu July 30, 2020

If you grew up like me, you’ve been instilled with false beliefs and bad advice about money. The middle class..


Recently Unemployed? What Financial Support option...
By: Hannah Harvey, Thu July 30, 2020

For most of the population, employment is what keeps our finances healthy and life ticking over. It allows us to..


Supercharge your Financial Data with no-code
By: Ben Kansy Ashman, Sat May 16, 2020

Your financial analytics could do with an upgrade, but time and budget are standing in the way. Is no-code the best option to get the most out of your data?..

News/Blockchain Technology

How Blockchain Technology can be used in Banking a...
By: David Ryan, Sun February 16, 2020

Blockchain technology also is known as decentralized, a distributed ledger has gained greater visibility over the last few years. According..


Long Term Loans – A Twist Towards Victory
By: Adela Jones, Mon August 19, 2019

We are living in the 21st century and people have started using less time in everything, as they have accepted..


Fulfil Small Requirements With Payday Loans Anytim...
By: Adela Jones, Fri July 26, 2019

Remember the day when you have promised yourself that you will also achieve the excellence from the skills and hard..

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