Small business leaders must gauge how satisfied and happy employees are with their jobs in order to assess the health and strength their businesses. The happier and more productive employees, the greater their likelihood of staying with the company for the long-term. How can you tell if your staff enjoy their job?
The following question was answered by 10 Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), small business experts:
“What’s one effective method small business leaders can use to gauge the happiness and fulfillment of their employees? Why is this so important to do regularly?”
Here are some of the top strategies they recommend.
Keep it simple, and ask. You can create a safe space for your team members to offer feedback whenever they want. It will be amazing to see the value they bring and the amount of personal responsibility they have for the success of the company.
This will also help you grow your team quickly. Don’t treat employees as subordinates. They’re your team members, and you’re their coach.” Steven Knight, Mosaic Home Services Ltd.
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“Speak with them honestly. It’s difficult to gauge happiness in an environment that encourages forcing answers. “If a boss is open and honest with their staff, they will also feel the ability communicate authentically.” Nicole Munoz, Nicole Munoz Consulting, Inc.
Small employers must act like large employers when it is time to measure the productivity and well being of their employees. Productivity and well being are key to attracting and retaining top talent. It is simple for leaders to measure these factors twice per year.” – Tom Finn, LeggUP Inc.
“Relationship building and encouraging open dialogue and feedback are important. Sometimes we swap weekly team calls for all team check-ins. This allows each member of our team to freely share their personal and professional experiences. Although no one is required to share, most people do. It’s a great way to quickly check where people are at. ~ Danielle Allen, Building Impact
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Your organization’s initiative level should be a major factor. A winning culture is one where employees take initiative, add new elements to their jobs, and find new solutions to problems. You will have a stagnant environment with no creativity if your employees do only what is asked. This is a huge deterrent to momentum. Encourage innovation and initiative.” Tyler Gallagher, Regal Assets
It may seem simple, but employees who are late to work can be a great indicator of their attitudes towards their job. An employee who is consistently late to work can indicate many things. However, if they are consistent, it could be a sign that they are struggling to balance work and family. This can be a sign that the employee is unhappy at work.” Ismael Wixen, FE International
You can ask as many questions as you like, but a unhappy employee will not tell you the truth. You can tell if your employee is still happy by looking at their attendance, performance, and attitude. This serves as a balance between you and your employee and helps them both to improve.” – Daisy Jing, Banish
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Small business leaders can use a feedback box to gauge employee happiness and satisfaction. This allows the team to be anonymous and gives more transparent feedback on what can be improved.
Regular feedback is essential to be able to understand what’s happening behind the scenes so that you can make informed decisions and take corrective actions. Stephanie Wells (Formidable Forms)
To track employee satisfaction, we send out a survey or questionnaire every quarter, year and month. It is a great question to ask your employees to share the company with their family and friends.
This is a great way to find out if they are happy at work, and proud to be an employee of your company.” Matthew Podolsky – Florida Law Advisers.
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Ask employees to perform tasks that require more effort than their normal day. You will find a happy employee that is eager to learn and motivated to improve their company. Resentment will indicate that the employee is not satisfied or happy. This is a great exercise to measure fulfillment and motivation within your teams.” Matthew Capala, Alphametic
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