The Unstoppable Power Of WordPress: Explore Your Ideas

The Unstoppable Power of WordPress: Explore your ideas

by Alex Noah — 3 years ago in Development 4 min. read

WordPress is the best choice for businesses that want to have websites that are flexible, powerful, and affordable.

Since 2005, I have been a professional developer. This has allowed me to create almost any custom code that I need. WordPress is my favorite platform for real-world business applications. It almost always makes sense for businesses.

The problem with paid platforms

There are many options when it comes to selecting a platform. Squarespace, Wix, and Shopify are the most well-known platforms. These platforms allow you to launch a product in just a few clicks, and it will look great. They do this job very well.

When you have to do something straightforward, but the platform doesn’t support it, this is where the problem arises. To make it simple, you have to limit your code editing capabilities. You are limited in what you can do.

Another problem is that you are tied to a paid platform. You are limited in what you can do. Most business features require a higher monthly subscription. It is difficult to access your content (data) on most platforms, making it expensive and time-consuming to switch.

You don’t own the platform that you use, so if your website violates their terms of service, it can be taken down. There’s nothing you can do. It’s a huge cost to be convenient.
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The problem with custom development

Custom development allows you to do whatever you want. However, it can be very expensive to create and maintain. You have to do everything from scratch. It’s not an option that is affordable or feasible for most small businesses.

You have two options: either pay for a license to another program, create something yourself, or look for an open-source program that meets your needs. This takes up valuable time.

Small businesses often don’t have enough money to hire an agency or a development team of even a small size. It’s not easy to manage a project of this magnitude. It’s not easy to manage a project like this if you don’t have the experience or know-how to overcome common obstacles.

To make modifications to custom-built software, you will need a full-fledged programmer. Finding people who can jump in and make changes, as well as fixing bugs, can be expensive, even with the most popular frameworks. My work can be 10x more if I add features or debug a Django project.

WordPress allows you to create the features you need without having to reinvent the wheel. You can create any custom code you wish, even if one of the 50,000 available plugins doesn’t work for you.
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The advantages of WordPress’s widespread adoption on the internet

WordPress powers a large number of websites online, making it the standard. This means that almost every software integrates with WordPress because they don’t want to restrict 40% of websites from using their services.

It’s also very easy and inexpensive to find training, courses, and professionals to manage your website. Websites change as your business grows.

You will eventually need to hire someone to manage your website or scale it up. WordPress is a popular platform that the majority of professionals, including developers, content managers, and social media strategists, are familiar with.

The downside to such an accessible platform is the ease with which you can hire cheap workers to do shoddy work that will need to be repaired later. These situations are not always pretty, and we’ve had to remedy quite a few.
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Open source is when you are in control of your website

There are two versions of WordPress. is the most popular version. It’s open-source and completely independent. This means that you can download and install it on your host (every host has a one-click install option for WordPress).

You can do almost anything with it, and no one can take it away from you. This is what the technical community calls “self-hosted WordPress”. WordPress is free to use, regardless of what your host charges for it.

Automattic, the co-founders of WordPress, owns It’s a paid platform, similar to Shopify or Wix. It is powered by WordPress but there are restrictions on what you can do. You can only use approved plugins, and you cannot create custom code for anything other than CSS.

WordPress is improved by independent contributors who offer to fix bugs, improve code and make it better. This means that you have a group of the best developers in the world working together to make WordPress better.

WordPress has been adopted by modern tech and is simple to optimize

There is still the WordPress way of doing things. However, new additions such as the Block Editor (also known as Gutenberg) use ReactJS to power all of their functions, which allows them to take advantage of modern web technology. While the majority of the new features use JavaScript, some also use classic PHP.

Optimizations can be implemented in a variety of ways, including SEO and hosting. Most often, there is a “one-click” installation and configuration option.

WordPress is not perfect and has many flaws. It’s still a work-in-progress like all major tech projects. It’s not the best fit for all situations, but it is the most flexible and powerful option available.

It does all this without any high monthly fees, development costs,s or restrictions to what you can do with it. Additionally, it is extremely easy to learn and find people who are familiar with it.

Alex Noah

Alex is senior editor of The Next Tech. He studied International Communication Management at the Hague University of Applied Sciences.

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