Changes in lifestyle have greatly increased the number of people suffering from knee pain. There has been a marked increase in the number of knee replacements as well. This could be due to the sedentary lifestyle that has become the norm for the majority these days.
Knee pain is a result of any irregularity in the function of the muscles, such as quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves, that surround it. This is because the knee cannot act in isolation and needs the support of all the muscles, ligaments, and tendons that surround it to function.
Yoga can help provide much-needed relief to those ailing with persistent knee pain. Yoga is also one of the most natural forms of pain relief alongside others such as tai chi and massage therapy.
While yoga can help with knee pain, it is important to understand that it must be done correctly. If done with incorrect knowledge and posture, it might just end up aggravating the pain and issue further.
Given below are four of the most effective yoga poses that provide relief from knee pain.
Place the right foot forward, making sure that the toes are pointing straight. Turn the toes forty-five degrees to one side and extend arms outwards, palms facing up. Bend the right knee at an angle of ninety degrees, keeping it in line with the ankle.
Place the back of the left hand on the left leg and arch back, the right arm reaching overhead and towards the back. This pose strengthens the glutes, quads, and hamstrings, which are essential to keep the knee in good working order.
Stand with the feet and legs together, chest lifted. Sit down as if sitting in an imaginary chair. It may help to keep the feet hip-width apart. The weight should be in the heels and arms must be raised overhead. This pose tones the entire body, strengthening the hips, thighs, and calves.
Lie down with the face-up and knees bent. The feet must be shoulder-width apart with the arms down on the sides. Engage the glutes and lift the body off the floor, so that the weight is concentrated on the shoulders.
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This is a great pose to engage the glutes and hamstrings. It also works the iliotibial band which when weak, can cause knee pain.
Start with a position standing straight. Place the left foot back in a deep lunge, bending the right leg to about ninety degrees. Raise both arms straight up and keep looking forward. If the hamstrings seem tight, micro bending the back leg can help alleviate the pressure on the knees.
This pose invariably activates and strengthens the glutes, quads, and calves in a very stable position. The aspect of balancing oneself during this pose further helps strengthen all the muscle groups that support the knee.
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