5 Rules For Choosing The Best Color For Your Label Artwork

5 Rules for Choosing The Best Color for Your Label Artwork

by Alex Noah — 2 years ago in Review 4 min. read

Color is one of the most important aspects you should consider when designing your label artwork. The color can help you grab people’s attention, or make them turn their heads from the product and walk away from it. You may be wondering what the difference between other colors is, like yellow and orange, blue, green and red, etc. To help you out I thought to list some rules that you should take into account while choosing it.

What is The Color Combination?

Color combinations are the simplest way to arrange colors in your artwork. Once you have learned the basics of color theory, you can combine colors by adding more or less white to your colors.

If you want to create a variety of colors, you can mix two primary colors or one primary and one secondary color. Some designers prefer to use color extractors because it gives them more options for creating more complex looks.

If you want to create a monochromatic look, simply add black to your base color. This technique is often used with black-and-white photography, where only one color is used for all of the images in an album or collection.

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Why do You Need to Choose The Best Color Combinations?

There are many reasons to choose the best color combination for your label artwork.

Your label artwork must be legible and easy to read, so you should avoid using colors that are difficult to see or that have a lot of contrast.

The main reason why we recommend using black and white as your base colors for your label artwork is that it makes it easier on the eyes. This is especially true when you are working with small font sizes and low-resolution images. In addition to that, black and white make it easier for people to detect where certain elements of your design are located on the page.

Another good reason for using black and white as your base colors is that some people find it easier to work with when there is no color distraction in their environment. It’s also important to keep in mind that some people may not be able to see well enough at night or during poor lighting conditions such as dusk or dawn.

5 Rules for Choosing The Color Combination

1. Choose The Right Color Based on Your Product Category

The color you choose for your label artwork should also be considered when you are choosing your product category. For example, if you are selling a food product, a bright red color will draw attention to your products and make them easier to read. On the other hand, if your product is made of paper and you want it to look more professional, then choose a color that matches its texture.

If you are selling clothing or accessories, then a black background can be very effective in attracting customers because it helps them focus on what they are looking at. However, if you make these items out of leather or cloth, they might not look as good in black.

2. Make Your Brand Conspicuous by Choosing A Different Color

The most obvious way to make your brand more conspicuous is to use a different color. You can choose any color you like, but if you want to make sure people notice it, try one that contrasts with the rest of your design. For example, if your logo is green, don’t put it on a white background.

You should also avoid using black and white as your base color scheme because this will not stand out. Black and white tend to be bland, which means they’re not as easy to read as other colors. It’s okay to use bright colors for your logo and branding materials, but you should avoid making them too loud or harsh looking.

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3. Use High-Contrast Colors

If you want people to notice what you have written or drawn on your packaging or website, then it needs to be visible against the background. This means that there should be some contrast between what’s written or drawn and what is behind it so that people can easily see what they’re looking at.

For example, if someone looks at a picture of a car on a website and then sees an arrow pointing towards it, they will probably think that there is something there that makes your brand unique and does have something to define you differently.

4. Choose The Color That Works Well for Children and Adults Alike

Choosing the right color palette can be an art. There are so many shades and hues to choose from! Here are some tips for finding the right colors for your project:

1. Label artwork: First, let’s talk about labels. If you’re working with digital images, it’s important to label your images in a way that makes sense for your audience. For example, if you’re creating a coloring book for kids, make sure you use bright colors and big fonts that children can read easily. If you’re creating a coloring book for adults, keep your color palette simple and elegant.

2. Color names: Make sure that the names of colors you use are comprehensible to everyone who will be using them — including yourself! It’s helpful if everyone knows what each color means so that everyone can work together on projects without confusion or frustration.

3. Choose complementary colors: For example, red and orange work well together because they contrast with one another (in fact, they’re both considered complementary to one another). But if you use these two colors together in an art project (like this one!), it doesn’t mean they’ll look good together — they just won’t look good together!

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5. Get Professional Help If You’re Not Sure

Well, combining colors is always not an easy task especially when you have a brand to portray. If you have prior knowledge and experience in selecting the color for a brand to exemplify your brand message, you are good to go with the above rules but if you’re a beginner or don’t have any prior experience then you should prefer hiring a professional who could suit the best of your requirements. Professionals not only help you to design your brand but also ensure to cope with the best adoring colors which match your brand design and logo.


Color combination is an essential part of your artwork management solution and hence the above rules will help you decide on a color that works for your brand.

Alex Noah

Alex is senior editor of The Next Tech. He studied International Communication Management at the Hague University of Applied Sciences.

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