Best 12 Predictions About Technology, Business, And The Modern...

Best 12 Predictions About Technology, Business, and the Modern Workplace

by Alex Noah — 3 years ago in Business Ideas 7 min. read

New years bring excitement, energy, and predictions about the future. Although the past two years have shaped the future, there are a few things that I notice from my observations.

So let’s get to it.

12 Predictions for 2022 and beyond

1. Digital Transformation On Main Street

For the past few decades, certain technologies were only available to the most prestigious companies. These technologies were either too expensive or didn’t care enough about small businesses.

The tools for customers and businesses will continue to drive digital transformation in Main Street small businesses. These are just a few of the many examples that continue to gain popularity.

Cloud computing: Dropbox is the pioneer in digital transformation. Dropbox was free to use, thanks to its freemium pricing model.

Google Docs and Drive were created to allow businesses to store their documents at a low price. Small businesses can also add technology to make it more efficient.

Cloud computing is now cheaper than ever, and small businesses continue to benefit from its benefits.

Artificial intelligence: We don’t yet have robots that can fix plumbing problems, but small businesses do have artificial intelligence advertising buying. Programmatic ad purchasing has been offered by tech companies such as AdRoll, Scorpion, and Adobe for quite some time. This technology is improving and becoming more powerful, making it much more affordable.

Artificial intelligence software can be used to automate your ad buying and make changes on the fly. It will also adjust bids and make adjustments for you in order to reach your ideal customer. This software allows small businesses to compete with larger-budget competitors for keyword share.

2. Reviews Will Become Even More Important in Web3 Shift

Web2, which is the current state of Web2, is owned by large companies such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon. As consumers, we rely on them to provide all information. Our website traffic ultimately is tied to their results.

Web3 is still an obscure topic in niche areas of the internet, but it is working to break that chain and create a more open web.

As web3 grows, companies may rely more heavily on reviews to drive their businesses. Reviews are not new; they have been around for centuries. However, digital reviews can help your business rank higher in search engines and improve the appearance of your website.

A web3 future is a good fit for reviews because it’s a verified purchase by your company, where people can learn more information about your services. It is crucial to understand review management. This will show off your company’s capabilities and help you with search engines optimization on both web2 and Web3.

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3. We Will See More Smart Wearables and Metaverse Devices

Facebook’s metaverse potential (now Meta) will encourage more companies to offer more options for customers.

Data is the world’s currency, and data owners are even more valuable. Sharing data can be a way for people to simplify their lives or improve them.

What kind of wearables is likely to succeed? It’s interesting to consider contacts, VR, glasses, and virtual reality.

Virtual Reality: There are many VR environments available. Meta must be the editorial in investing in the future. It is not limited to games, but also includes conferences, meetings, and other events.

Although virtual reality is still far from its tipping point, it has seen a surge in popularity and people are still eager to experience it. It would be exciting to see the metaverse expand into services such as virtual reality lawyers in their offices or home inspections from 3000 miles away. There are many possibilities.

Glasses or Contacts: Google Glasses were both ahead of their time for their awkwardness, and later in technology. Apple is rumored to be developing wearable glasses. To keep up with their crazy growth, they will eventually need a new product. Glasses might make sense. Apple is well-known for its design skills, so you’d expect them to be more functional than the first drafts.

Google holds a patent for smart contacts. It may take longer to create the technology and find people who are willing to wear it instead of just wearing it.

4. Supply Chain Issues Will Continue to Hurt Consumers and Businesses

Every time I go to the grocery shop, I feel like there’s something new I don’t have or that isn’t in stock. Restroom paper is not one of these things anymore.

What is the problem with the supply chain? The short and long of it is that the pandemic caused havoc on the demand for certain products and the ability to supply them.

The focus of consumer product companies has been refurbishing factories to build for the future, and be more resistant to pandemics. But that takes time.

Do you remember how hand sanitizer was difficult to find? Now it seems like Mcdonald’s is selling it because it is so plentiful. This will, hopefully, change over time. The key supply chain losers are raw materials for new homes and parts required to make them. These losses have resulted in an inability to build more homes, which has led to real estate booms and new cars laying on lots waiting for one last piece to be sold.

You should immediately start if you are selling a physical product but haven’t started to engage in new supply chain strategies as part of your 2022 business plan.

5. Supply Chain MBAs Will Be In High Demand

Both Harvard Business School, Bloomberg say there is a growing demand for supply chain MBAs at business schools. Companies will seek out top business schools to help them solve the supply chain issues that are plaguing the world.

While it will take some time for companies to see results from investing in new graduates, they will be able to build on their future problems to deal with the pandemic that appears to be staying around for quite some time.

We will see an increase in demand for MBA talent and a focus on the supply chains, which will have a trickle-down effect on finance, tech, as well as other industries that depend on MBA talent every semester.

6. World Cup and Olympics Will Be the Largest Streamed Events Ever

Rarely do you have the opportunity to see the Olympics and World Cup simultaneously?

Brands and organizers will be looking for ways to bring people in virtually, as fewer people are able to attend live events. Social media, traditional video, and Virtual reality are all options to connect audiences to these global events.

These events are very popular and get lots of conversation going. These are events a great way to reach a large audience, which is rare. These events will be a great opportunity for brands to connect their logos and position their messaging around global connectivity and activity during the pandemic.

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7. Communities Will Continue to Be a Way for Brands to Differentiate

To build loyalty, big companies will invest more in social and other communities. Companies will also look to expand into Signal, Discover, and Slack to provide real-time communication as well as social properties such as TikTok, which can be used to showcase their company.

Community support has been a powerful way of building loyalty and awareness for a brand. This loyalty will be even more valuable as competition heats up across all sectors, and goods may become out of stock because of the pandemic.

8. Smart TVs Will Surpass Tablets for Internet Searches

Tablet traffic is declining and could end up at the same pace as TVs. Mobile phones will continue to dominate searches.

Smart TVs are now more effective at encouraging internet surfing, especially when using voice controls and mobile phones as remote controls. This trend will only continue to develop.

9. Video will be a More Important Way for Companies to Differentiate and Connect with Customers

Video marketing is a popular way to reach customers. This is evident in the growth of TikTok. It boasts 700 million active users and is growing faster than any other social network.

Businesses will be more open to using authentic and less professional video content. Professional videos require a lot more planning, time, and money.

Videos created by users can be built on their own and can grow in perpetuity with the right strategy.

10. Back to Work

Numbers 10, 11, and 12 are tightly connected by remote work and the great resignation movement.

Large companies have delayed the return to the office. Leadership roles will still be required at HQ and insignificant offices. Remote leadership is possible. Remote options will control more pandemics, but many people will still want to go back to work and the connection.

While hybrid work will be supported, expect to see leadership and executive positions in HQ. Many large companies are built on personal communication. We will continue to foster growth through synergistic relationships, rather than virtual ones.

Companies that work remotely should look to establish regular in-person connections. Remote work can also be made possible by having monthly or quarterly planning meetings.

Remote work will continue to be an important factor in certain positions/people. Companies that don’t support remote work will limit their talent pool.

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11. Hiring will Continue to be a Struggle as Companies Compete for Talent and the Great Resignation Period Grows

Many people still prefer remote living. If a company doesn’t support them, they won’t be willing to move. Companies have two options: support this group or limit their talent pool to those who are looking for hybrid/in-office experience.

We will continue to face challenges in hiring. Companies that offer remote support can now access local talent worldwide. This will result in an increase in the money used to retain talent as well as money spent on talent acquisition, including salaries and recruiting.

New benefits will also be available. Flexible work hours are a great option for remote workers. Daycare is considered vacation days and even on-site childcare.

Securing talent will also require equity and culture.

12. People will Still Move Out of Urban Centers in the Less Populous States Like Utah, Idaho, Montana

Depending on your location, Utah and many other surprising states are the fastest-growing states in the country.

Utah saw a 20% increase in its population between 2010-2021. It also had some of the most valuable real estates.

Utah has attracted people from larger metropolitan areas. They can now work anywhere they like. Utah is well-known for its stunning outdoors. Utah is a great place to start a family. It also has less traffic than bigger cities.

These states will not be able to support the infrastructure and political changes that they bring.


It’s always fun to make predictions in the universe. All of the trends I’ve mentioned are based on what I have seen and heard. It will be interesting for us to keep track of the year and see which ones land.

Alex Noah

Alex is senior editor of The Next Tech. He studied International Communication Management at the Hague University of Applied Sciences.

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