Health Archives - The Next Tech


How to Start A Telemedicine Practice
By: Micah James, Mon September 12, 2022

If healthcare providers don’t learn how to properly start a telehealth business, they may miss an opportunity to boost their..


Telehealth Solutions: Clinicians Outlook
By: Micah James, Mon August 15, 2022

Telemedicine services have successfully overcome patients’ prejudice and doubts that they faced during the pandemic and proved their value as..


7 Key Facts About Traumatic Brain Injuries
By: Susan , Mon June 27, 2022

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the most common reasons for disability and death among adults in the..


9 Reasons Why Should You Consider Using A Medicati...
By: Alan Jackson, Wed April 27, 2022

We’ve all noticed how technology has altered the way we live our lives. There’s a good chance that technology is..


IoMT: The Future of Healthcare Today
By: Alex Noah, Sat April 2, 2022

The Internet of Things is a network of physical objects wirelessly connected that share data and has revolutionized healthcare. Remote..


9 Ways That Extra Stress Can Impact Your Wallet in...
By: Alex Noah, Sat September 4, 2021

This past year has been stressful for many. You’re not the only one who was affected by the COVID-19 epidemic...


Top 8 Secrets for Health and Healing for 2021
By: Amelia Scott, Thu September 2, 2021

My experience as an acupuncturist was extensive. I worked with clients for the greater part of 20 years. It was..


Consider These Factors When Getting CVS Pharmacy N...
By: Ivan Walker, Mon July 19, 2021

There are several factors you should consider when buying an NNN CVS pharmacy. They include responsibility and freedom of ownership,..


Top 10 Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Adults
By: Daniel Abbott, Sat June 12, 2021

Genetic heritage, pollution, physical inactivity, smoking, and anxiety — are only some of the numerous risk factors which may impact..


Top 5 Foods that Have Surprising Health Benefits
By: Alan Jackson, Sun May 16, 2021

If you’ve ever heard the saying, “You are what you eat,” then you know that the food you eat makes..


How to Use Technology to Strengthen Mental Health
By: Marie Miguel, Fri May 7, 2021

Technology is a reality of our everyday lives. Smart, mindful, healthy use of tech can have significant, beneficial impacts on..

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